Bald Faced Hornet Nest Removals are an everyday need here around Ellijay, Georgia. Bald-faced Hornets are some of the most aggressive stinging insects that we remove.
Bald-faced hornets nests are mummy-looking hives that are hanging from structures like eaves, doorways & trees. They usually have guards watching for potential threats. As soon as you approach or break the flight path — an alarm is sounded! Beware!
European Hornets & Bald-faced Hornets will take refuge in just about any crack or crevice. We come out in protective clothing and remove the entire hive when possible, INCLUDING the Queen.
We now have two hive removal options:
– Chemical-Free hive removal method. This makes it impossible for the colony to return since we take the hive and Queen with us.
– Pesticide Application: this could be a less expensive means of eliminating the problem.
PLEASE NOTE: You do not have to be home when we come to remove the hive. We will call you in advance when we are heading to your property. If you are not home, we will call to collect the payment over the phone and email you the receipt.
We want your business!
Call us (678)935-5900

In Ellijay, Yellowjackets nests are most commonly found underground, however, we also find hives in the walls (as shown) requiring a special service called a cut-out. We also sometimes stumble upon Aerial Yellowjacket hives under eaves, decks, and doorways.
Yellowjackets get alarmed from simple vibrations of someone simply walking by or mowing the lawn near the hive. The attack begins! Let our team of Yellowjacket Specialists eliminate the hive for you.
We cannot give prices over the phone, neither of us knows how involved the process will be until we get our eyes on the hive. We found it easier to charge a base rate & an hourly price for all hive removal calls. Typical hives are removed between a half-hour to an hour.

If you have a Honey Beehive in a place where it poses a problem… we can help. It is our goal to keep all Honey Bees alive & transfer the hive to where it can be relocated. Honey Bees are pollinators and it is necessary for everyone to do everything in their power to keep them around.
Beehives can be hanging in a structure or commonly found between the walls of a home. Sadly, oftentimes we find that a colony has been mistakenly sprayed with pesticides by the homeowner or a Pest Control company and a large part of the colony has been damaged or destroyed. This is disheartening to us. Our lead technician is a hobbyist Beekeeper. We still try to recover as much of the colony as possible to relocate them to a safe place.
Even if someone has completely killed off the hive with pesticides there is still a lot of clean-up that has to be done by our Bee removal team. The honeycomb, pupae, and honey have to come out! It will attract all kinds of unwanted opportunistic feeders on the sugars & proteins. (rats, roaches, ants & more).
We offer some of the least expensive prices for honeybee removal. If we are able to safely remove a honeybee hive, we donate it to the local beekeeper’s clubs to care for the hive.
What to expect when you hire Professionals to remove the Hives (Nests):
- For hives (other than bees) we have two options for removal: chemical-free or pesticide application.
- You do not have to be home for us to remove the nest.
- If we remove the hornet nest, you can expect some hunters to come back looking for their hive. They usually die off or leave pretty quickly. They may even rebuild a softball size hive. Don’t be alarmed, 99% of the time it is empty since pupae cannot be produced without a Queen.